16 Sep 121 W. Washington Street
Athens, GA
BCDC worked closely with the Athens-Clarke County Unified Government (“ACC”), the ACC SPLOST Office, as well as the Athens Downtown Development Authority to structure a Public-Private Partnership that was equitable for all parties and set realistic expectations. The project program was not overly aggressive and served to complement the existing downtown economy rather than compete with it. The project timeframe allowed sufficient time to orient tenants, capital sources and stakeholders with the opportunity presented.
BCDC’s relationship with Batson-Cook Construction allowed BCDC to make commitments early in the process that Athens-Clarke County could rely on to satisfy constituents. BCDC established financial parameters for the project at conception, subjecting the real estate to an air rights declaration creating three distinct parcels for the office, retail and the parking components, with the office and retail property owned by BCDC and the parking deck owned by ACC. This project extended the urban fabric of downtown Athens and spurred economic development and business interest in the central business district.
Athens, Georgia
Developer: BCDC
Lender: State Bank and Trust
Architect: Davis Architects
General Contractor: Batson-Cook Construction
Project Type
Mixed Use – Retail / Office / Parking